– What Are the Main Benefits of Solar Power?
– Solar Energy Makes a Secure Long-Term Investment
– How Do Solar Panels Work?
– How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?
– Why Choose Budget Construction Solar Panel Installations?
Solar energy has become increasingly popular in recent years as homeowners have embraced new ways of saving energy, cutting down on utility costs and helping to conserve the environment. In addition, solar panel installations have become more accessible to the average homeowner, are extremely cost-effective and can easily pay for themselves over the years. With the right solar panels you could run your entire home off solar power and no longer rely on the electric company to supply your electricity. If you’re sick and tired of seeing your electric bills increase over the years and want to reduce your dependence on outside energy, then there time has never been better to install solar panels on your home.
What Are the Main Benefits of Solar Power?
As a homeowner we know you’re always looking for ways to reduce monthly costs and save money, which is why we’ve developed a list of the most important benefits of installing solar panels. Most everyone knows that you can cut down or eliminate your energy supply costs, but there are many other benefits such as tax breaks that also can come with a solar panel installation. The following are some of the major benefits that you can enjoy from adding solar panels to your home.
Eliminate or Reduce Energy Costs
The first benefit a homeowner typically thinks of when considering solar panels for their home is the fact that it will greatly reduce or eliminate the cost of energy supplied to their home by the electric company. If you live in an area with even an average amount of sun you could effectively eliminate what you pay for energy use in your home. It’s a common misconception that solar panels require constant direct sunlight in order to operate and generate electricity, when in fact they continue to absorb energy from the sun’s rays even on cloudy days. With enough solar panels you could support the energy needs of an entire family of five or more. With zero energy consumption from the power plant, you will see your energy supply cost reduced to nothing. This means that if you plan on living in your home for the foreseeable future your solar panels will easily pay for themselves eventually and more. They are a great selling point if you plan to sell your home in the future.
Receive Rebates and Tax Credits
Recently the cap on the total tax rebate you could receive from solar panels was lifted, which is great news for homeowners wishing to make the switch to solar. You may now receive up to 30% of the total cost of your solar panels back in the form of tax rebates, which makes converting to solar energy an even more attractive options for homeowners. This can be a tremendous benefit on your tax return, and means your solar panels will quickly pay for themselves considering your monthly energy savings.
In addition to tax rebates, your electricity provider may also offer to compensate you for any surplus electricity that you send back into the power grid. This is possible if you produce more power than you consume and fill out the necessarily applications with the electric company. You will receive a rebate check on a certain time schedule for each KWH you send back into the power grid for the electric company. So not only can you reduce or eliminate your energy bill and receive a tax deduction, but you may also be able to actually make money from the power you sell back to the electric company.

Solar Energy Makes a Secure Long-Term Investment
One of the best things about adding solar panels to your home is there’s virtually no downside and you have everything to gain. Once you pay the cost of installation there is very little maintenance involved and you can consistently reap the monetary benefits of solar power over the years. If you plan on staying in your home for many years or decades, then your solar panels will more than pay for themselves. And if those energy savings weren’t enough, solar panels significantly increase the resale value of your home. If you think you might sell your home at any time in the future, even if you plan on staying there for years to come, solar panels will make a great selling point and can bring in a better sale price. As long as there is sunlight in the sky, you will have solar energy to power your home. Yet another benefit is solar panels can actually keep your house cooler in warm weather. This is because the panels on the top of your roof will absorb the sun’s rays and convert them into energy, rather than your roof absorbing the rays and converting them into heat.
Saving the Environment Helps Everyone
By harnessing renewable energy you will be reducing the amount of power that power plants need to produce, which in turn can reduce the amount of fossil fuels and other materials they consume to produce energy. Solar energy is entirely clean and does not produce any waste in order to generate it. This in turn helps combat the buildup of greenhouse gas emissions and reduces dependence on fossil fuels. When reducing fossil fuel use everyone will benefit from cleaner air. In addition, solar energy will work even if there is a drought, heat wave or power outages so your home’s energy won’t be reliant on those external factors. This provides an extra layer of energy security for your home and your family. In addition, switching to solar power helps create jobs in the sustainable energy sector, which leads to more growth and a better environment for everyone.
Are you ready to reduce or eliminate your electric bill altogether? Then give Budget Construction a call at 1-844-969-2448 and harness the power of solar energy to help create a sustainable future.
How Do Solar Panels Work?
Once you’ve decided to invest in solar power and stop paying high rates to the electric company the process is actually pretty simple. Budget Construction has experienced solar energy contractors who have installed thousands of panels to help customers achieve sustainability and energy freedom.
If you’re considering investing in solar energy then it’s good to have a general idea of how the process works. The following are the main components that will need to be installed before your home is able to run off solar energy.
Solar panels are made of special cells that convert sunlight into electricity. Many cells make up a single solar panel, and several solar panels can be wired together to form what’s known as a solar array. The more panels you install, the more solar energy you can generate.
Typically installed on the exterior of your home, an inverter is what converts the electricity generated from your solar panels (DC electricity) and converts it to alternating current electricity (AC electricity), which is required so your home’s electrical items can utilize the power you accumulate from your solar panels.
This panel functions as a device that directs the energy you generate from your solar panels. Electricity flows from your inverter to the panel where it is directed to your home’s appliances and other electrical items. If you are generating more power than you are using, then it will be directed to the power grid and you can be rewarded for the extra energy you produce.
A new meter will be installed to track precisely how much electricity you are generating from your solar panels. If you are only powering a portion of your home on solar energy, then the meter tracks how much energy you are using and how much of the electric company’s energy you are using. When you produce more energy than you’re using, the utility company tracks how much and you get credit for that excess energy.
The components of solar power are actually pretty simple once you understand the terms and items involved in making it all work. After Budget Construction installs your entire system you can easily track how much power you are producing and enjoy all of the benefits that come along with solar energy.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?
Solar panels provide many benefits including reducing or eliminating energy costs, improving the environment and supporting clean energy industries. It also allows you to achieve a greater level of energy independence and can provide backup power when you need it.
The cost of your solar panel installation will depend on several factors. First, how many solar panels will you want installed on your home? The more solar panels you install, the more energy you will produce. It’s up to you if you want to simply offset some of your energy costs or eliminate them completely. It will require more solar panels to achieve total energy independence, but they can easily pay for themselves over the years.
Next, the quantity of labor involved in installing the solar panels will also play a role in your total cost. The work time mostly depends on your home’s style and construction, specifically the type of roof you have and the location where the solar panels must be installed in order to maximize efficiency. Solar panels should always be viewed as an investment rather than a cost. There are so many benefits such as saving money on your electric bill and doing your part to help protect the environment.
Many thousands of homeowners are already enjoying the benefits of solar energy, and now it can be your turn. Call Budget Construction today at 1-844-969-2448 and get free estimate on your home’s solar panels.

Why Choose Budget Construction Solar Panel Installations?
Installing solar panels requires careful attention to detail and experience. Very few contracting companies have the expertise and training to get the job done right the first time. Budget Construction is one of those companies and over the many years we’ve installed thousands of solar panels for our satisfied customers. We will help you achieve energy independence, save money on your electric bill and create a sustainable future for your household.
Budget Construction pledges to deliver the highest quality of work and service. When you partner you’ll receive all the benefits of our experience including:
- Friendly and caring staff.
- Clean, safe and organized job site.
- Noticeably detailed finish work.
- 2 million general liability insurance.
- Full workers compensation.
- 96% on time completion record.
- Quality installations guaranteed.
Our team of certified contractors specialize in installing high-quality solar panels for our customers. Not only do we have the experience, but we take pride in being able to provide you with the absolute lowest prices on solar panel installations. That means it won’t take long until your solar panels not only pay for themselves, but start earning you money if you’ve installed enough panels to generate surplus energy back into the grid.